Wilmington VHF Association

The Club

The Wilmington VHF Association (WVHFA) is an ARRL affiliated club dedicated to the enhancement and preservation of Amateur Radio with the following fundamental principles:

  • To enhance the enjoyment of Amateur Radio.
  • To share individual and group knowledge.
  • To better understand the state of the art as it changes and improves.
  • To provide public service in accordance with part 97 of FCC rules.
  • To have a well informed group to draw from in time of emergencies.
  • To assist its members in Amateur Radio.
  • To create a better understanding of Amateur Radio with the general public.
  • To assist in correcting abuses in the  Amateur community.
  • To assist in establishment and funding of repeaters, relay stations and emergency equipment.


Check our Meetings page for up-to-date meeting information.



Associate membership in WVHFA is open to anyone with an interest in amateur radio. Dues are $30.00 per year.

Check our Membership page for more information.

The Wilmington VHF Association (WVHFA) was founded in 1971 with the goal of providing high quality, long range FM repeaters in the Southeastern NC area. Since those humble beginnings, the WVHFA has grown from a single repeater to six repeater systems that give unparalleled capabilities in this region.

We now have members spread out over most of Southeastern North Carolina and parts of Northeastern South Carolina and are continually looking to expand our systems capabilities and userbase.

Please see the Repeaters page for a current listing of WVHFA supported repeaters.